The Progressive Nature of Google's Chrome
Chrome is definitely recognized as a viable web browser and widely used worldwide today. That is not the extent of Google's reach nor is it the reach of Chrome. The Chrome OS is installed in many devices and is not limited to Chromebooks. One of the advantages of the Chrome OS and Chromebooks is in fact the cost because the Chrome OS is free which definitely cuts the cost of producing a PC, a laptop, hybrid ultra book, and/or many types of tablet/mobile devices.
PC, tablet and mobile device manufacturers may well see a great opportunity (in fact, they already do) to sell computing devices at prices that are very attractive to the general consumer. Using a free operating system and using lower-cost processing power are each things that help to produce viable computing devices which a majority of the general public might well view as being exactly what they want.
There are several other factors that may help Google's Chrome OS but that does depend on how how well it fares against other alternative operating systems such as the new Firefox OS and Linux. Firefox - as a web browser - is well known and has been in use for many years by many people; moreover, Linux has been in use for decades and may well soon see it's day. The Empire that Google is building will know doubt help the Chrome OS to succeed but they are not alone in challenging Microsoft. Should the current trends continue and see the Chrome OS continue to progress, and should Firefox OS also progress, and should Linux soon see it's day, then Microsoft may well be in a fight for its operating system life. See more about the Chrome OS here.